PWNY 2018 with Elinor Carucci – Day 1 – 3

August 13, 14 and 15, 2018

“nothing is an accident in a photograph, it’s all in the unconscious”

Monday, August 13, 2018 marks the first day of Photo Workshop New York with Elinor Carucci at De-Construkt’s studio in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

We started off as usual by introducing ourselves to one another and looking at everybody’s past work. Students shared intimate and profound work from before the workshop and we discussed what they’re going to work on during this week together. There was also time for talking about some great source of inspiration for this “Finding Intimacy” workshop, like Emmet Gowin, Nan Goldin, Sally Mann and Wayne Lawrence.
It was a very motivating day and a great way to start our new workshop!

On the second and third day we kept looking at great examples of work by professionals in the field, and we spoke about shooting with emotion, getting intimate, and finding the not-so-obvious photograph when shooting.
As in every day, all the students shared their photographs from the day before and we started to see their projects developing.

Interesting surprises are coming for our students in the upcoming days!


Ph. Gabby Jones and Francesca Tirpak.